Muchas Gracias


By Daniel H McCarty

Editor:  This is an example of throwing something out there and hoping it sticks to the wall.  Hope you enjoy Amigo’s.





Sanchez Sanchez was the 14th of 15 children.   He had 9 brothers and 5 sisters.   By the time Rodrigo got to number 14 his imagination had run out so he made a statement on futility……….Sanchez Sanchez

Rodrigo Sanchez quite enjoyed the ‘ohhh’ sound.   He named his children Hernando, Fernando, Chiquito (his first daughter who Rodrigo nicknamed ‘lil mosquito), Oregano, Christo, Mateo, Orlando, Harpo, Groucho, Badabingo, Bellisimo, Ho-Ho-Ho, Elviso, Sanchez and Marie.

So Sanchez picked up on the message.

Rodrigo paints cars and has sex.   He just makes children, he has no time for them. Especially if your name is Sanchez.

Because he never receives feedback, Sanchez never learns to emote.   He is emote less.

Somehow he ends up as the bartender at Mui Bien Cantina in Tostada, Gaudalajara, that serves great watermelon gazpacho in season.   Sanchez has collected a vast library of stories about ‘humans’.

He just thought he should collect something and though he had lousy short-term recall he was simply amazing at long-term.   But due to his lack of emote, his delivery came across as ….deadpan.   Everyone sitting at his bar thought he was putting them on…..and they loved him for it.

Because they thought he was for real.

He wasn’t. ………..Or maybe he was.

Sanchez didn’t have a clue.

He was just telling a story.

In his droll….true self.


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